Blossom RN
Blossom came to me in 2006 while I was rescuing with ACT Rescue and Foster. I fell in love with the skinny, scruffy, smiling pup in the pound photo (penned with a Basenji pup!). She was with me for a couple of months before she was well enough to be rehomed, and I found that I could not part with her, so she became a permanent member of the family.
Blossom is the dog everyone loves. She is cheeky, vibrant, endearing, intelligent and just a little bit crazy. She was the official foster dog greeter while I was involved in rescue, and would steal treats to give to fosters who were especially sad. She is the one that makes us laugh, and makes us shake our heads!
She has trained in obedience and agility, but tends to loose her mind at trials and so despite being great in training, she doesn't have many passes. During agility trials she prefers to make up her own course, which involves going through every tunnel and chute several times at high speed, then she leaves the ring to sit in the stewards tend. Why not - after all they have shade and biscuits ;-). Despite this, she has placed in several trials.
Formal obedience trials were too stressful for her (she sat at the start peg with her back to me, completely ignoring me!) so we have started at Rally-o obedience. She has done very well, and achieved her Rally Novice title, handled by Philippa Hurst
Blossom died in early 2019. She left a huge hole in my heart and I think about her and miss her always